
How To Train For A Marathon As A Beginner

How To Train For A Marathon As A Beginner. Here Are All The Necessary Details You Need On Training For A Marathon As A Beginner. Check This Post Now. 

How To Train For A Marathon

Are you interested in information on how to train for a marathon as a beginner? In this article, i am going to take you through on how to train for a marathon as a beginner. Let’s get started!

Preparing for a marathon is quite different from preparing for a regular race because here, you are actually preparing for a very long race which can be quite exhausting. Hence, methods of preparation for both are quite different.

What Is Marathon?

A marathon is a long distance foot race with a distance of 42.195km.

How Can I Train For Marathon As A Beginner?

  1. Create A Training Plan For Yourself
  2. Work On Your Speed
  3. Train Your Mind For The Task Ahead
  4. Work On Your Strength
  5. Make Sure You Sleep
  6. Exercise By Stretching

How To Train For A Marathon As A Beginner

1. Create A Training Plan For Yourself

First and foremost, you would need to create a training plan for yourself. No one just comes up and decides to run a marathon without training, unless the person wants to do harm to his or her body. You cannot also train anytime you want. If you want the best results, the best thing is to create a training plan for yourself. Your training plan as a beginner should be  from about 15 weeks to 20 weeks.

It is important to also note that creating a training plan without making efforts to implement it is as good as nothing. Work for this plan for a few days and watch how your body reacts to it. It would give you an idea if the plan is for you or not.

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2. Work On Your Speed

Another important thing you need to work on is your speed. Speed is very important in any race and even a marathon race is not left out. To train your speed, you can take long runs everyday while you time yourself. Watch your speed improve after a while.

3. Train Your Mind For The Task Ahead

Often, as much as we might want to run a marathon, our mind tells us how impossible it is or reminds us how long the distance is. Well, if you do not train your mind to be able to go through this, it might be really hard to succeed because you might start to lose motivation. Keep affirming yourself on how possible it is while you take your trainings very seriously.

4. Work On Your Strength

Another thing you would need to work on is your strength. It is only normal to get tired after running a distance. However, if you want to make it for a marathon, improving on your strength would do the trick for you. This won’t happen in a day! It takes time and hard work to be able to build this after a while.

5. Make Sure You Sleep

The importance of sleep when training to run a marathon cannot be overemphasized! You need sleep for you to be able to recover exhaustion and also for your body to be able to repair itself. It should be your schedule to get at least seven hours of sleep per day.

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6. Exercise By Stretching

Next, you would need to exercise by stretching. It is not enough to train by running long distance, or sleeping, you would also need to exercise by stretching. Stretching can be good for warm ups and also great for cooling down.

What Are The Things I Need To Consider Before Picking A Race?

Here are some things you need to look out for before you choose a race or marathon.

  1. Budget
  2. Time Of The Year
  3. Your Running Goals
  4. The Registration Of The Race
  5. The Weather

Things You Need To Consider Before Picking A Race

1. Budget

The first thing you need to consider before running any race is your budget. You need to think about how much it would cost you for you to rum that race. If the cost is too expensive, you can choose to find another race.

2. Time Of The Year

Another thing you also need to consider is the time of the year. You can pick a period when you are very free.

3. Your Running Goals

You need to ask yourself the question of if the race you are about to pick suits your running goals. If not, you do not need to apply.

4. The Registration Of The Race

Not all races are very easy to get into. You would need to consider the registration of a race you are trying to pick while you make a back up plan for yourself in case you didn’t get in the race.

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5. The Weather

Lastly, you would need to consider the weather before you start a marathon. Personally, running during heat periods is a no for me. Pick whatever weather is convenient for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How Long Does It Take To Run A Marathon?

It takes about 5 to 7 hours.

2. How Long Does It Take To Train For A Marathon?

You can train for a marathon from 16 weeks to about 4 months. Depending on whether you are a starter or an expert.

3. Is It Possible To Run A Marathon Without Experience?

Yes it is.

4. Can I Run A Marathon Without Getting Tired?

No, it is absolutely impossible. Except you are a super human

5. How Do I Start A Marathon?

You should start a marathon by running on moderate speed because high speed can get you tired within a short while

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